The Bone Grafting Procedure Explained by a Periodontist

Bone Grafting Plano, TX

A periodontist may perform a bone grafting procedure if a patient wants to utilize treatments like dental implants but does not have enough jawbone density to support the procedure. Bone grafting is a time-consuming process, but the results can enable a patient to use dental treatments for which they otherwise may not be viable candidates.

If you need a bone graft in order to pursue options such as implants, it is important to know what to expect before the process begins. Since recovering from a bone graft can take months, planning ahead of time is a smart choice. Here is an overview of how a bone grafting procedure works, according to a periodontist.

Understanding the bone grafting procedure

A bone graft is the process of taking bone tissue from one area of the body and moving it to another. Once it is placed in its new location, the transplanted tissue will need to fuse to the existing bone to add density and strength. Bone is a slow-growing tissue, so this process can take multiple months to complete. However, the patient will not typically need to adjust their habits beyond the first couple of weeks, as the bone will be safe underneath the gums during recovery.

Why bone grafting may be necessary

A bone graft is most commonly used when a patient is seeking dental treatments that require jawbone support, such as dental implants, but their existing jawbone is not strong enough. If a periodontist were to install an implant into a weak jawbone, the implant post may shift and move, dislodging the implant and causing damage to the oral cavity.

In other cases, a person may receive a bone graft to repair damage to the face, such as after an injury. In any situation where the bone is not strong enough for a particular application, a bone graft may be used.

The types of bone grafts available

Bone grafts come in multiple forms. The most common is an autograft, which means the bone is taken from somewhere else in the patient’s body. This is often either somewhere else on the jaw or from the hip. If a patient cannot sustain this type of procedure, the periodontist may use an allograft, or a bone graft that comes from a donor. When possible, periodontists try to use tissue taken from the patient so their body does not reject it.

The bone graft procedure

The bone graft procedure is usually an outpatient affair, so patients can go home right away. First, the periodontist will identify where the grafted bone should be taken from and retrieve it. Then, they will make an incision into the patient’s gums to visualize the jawbone.

Once the jawbone has been properly prepped, the periodontist will insert the grafted tissue and ensure that it is correctly aligned with the weakened area. Then, they will close the incision with sutures so the bone underneath has a safe place to heal and integrate.

Patients will be allowed to rest in the office while they recover from any medication that was used. Once they feel ready, they can go home to start their recovery. The periodontist will check in with the patient a few months later to examine how well the graft is bonding with the jawbone.

Recovery and outlook

The first two days after a bone graft are typically the most uncomfortable, but this discomfort is usually well managed with over-the-counter pain relievers. Patients should try to remain in a resting position with their head propped up. Plan for a liquid or soft food diet for the first few days while the incision site is healing; this area is essential for protecting the vulnerable bone underneath.

Once the periodontist removes the sutures (or if they dissolve, depending on the type used), patients can return to their normal routines, including vigorous exercise and a more standard diet. At this stage, the bone will continue to fuse for many months on its own and requires no further special treatment.

Trust a periodontist with your bone grafting procedure

If you are considering bone grafting to facilitate a dental implant or recovery from an injury, being prepared ahead of time can make recovery go much more smoothly. Our team can help you understand your options for bone grafting and provide aftercare guidance so you can get back to feeling great as soon as possible. Contact our periodontist to schedule an appointment.

Request an appointment here: or call Texas Implant & Dental Specialists at (972) 535-6555 for an appointment in our Plano office.

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: Will I Need a Bone Graft for Dental Implants in Plano, TX.

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