Warning Signs of Gum Disease

Gum Disease Plano, TX

You may be unaware of your developing gum disease. People often find themselves dealing with it in its advanced stages. Being aware of the warning signs can prompt you to go to your periodontist for early treatment. If you want to find out what the warning signs are for gum disease, here are the details.

Receding gums

This is clear evidence of gum disease. Gums start to pull away from the teeth, making them look longer. The recession exposes sensitive dental roots. This makes them more vulnerable to infection, decay, and falling out.

Receding gums affect the appearance of a person’s smile. The teeth seem to look pointed at the gumline. This shows the exposure of the dental roots to cold air. It also lets the different temperatures of foods and drinks touch the roots. These lead to dental sensitivity or pain.

Advanced gum disease also produces deep periodontal pockets. These are spaces between the gum tissue and the teeth. The deeper they go, the more difficult it is to remove food particles from them. This allows bacteria to thrive even more because of the constant food supply. More bacteria worsen the disease.

Bleeding, swollen, painful gums

Gum disease may also cause painful, bleeding gums. Poor dental care causes plaque to build up and irritate the gums. This sticky film deteriorates the healthy tissues surrounding teeth. It even eats its way through the fibers attaching the gums to the teeth.

Gum irritation and inflammation take place. That is why there is bleeding during flossing or brushing. Many people are unaware that this is a warning sign of gum disease. This is gingivitis. The bleeding may convince an individual to stop brushing or flossing. Doing this will only worsen the situation.

Bleeding is a sign of infection. The body sends more blood to the gums to fight off the bad bacteria damaging the tissues. Bleeding will stop once the bad bacteria are under control. The pain will decrease, and the swelling will go down. The periodontist can help achieve this.

Tobacco and alcohol consumption impairs proper blood flow to the gums. This is a bad thing because bleeding signals the presence of gum disease. The disease may worsen further because the body cannot send blood components to fight the infection. Quitting these habits can help detect the disease earlier.

Dental sensitivity or pain

The hard enamel protects a healthy tooth. The gums cover the dental roots because they have no enamel. Gum disease results in enamel thinning and dental root exposure. There is sharp, shooting pain whenever cold air touches the dental toots. There is also pain whenever the individual consumes cold or hot foods and drinks.

Intense foul breath

The increased number of bad bacteria in the mouth and leftover food particles produce this bad odor. This is a clear sign of poor oral care and dental health. Tooth decay and gum disease may already be worsening. The foul breath will persist despite using mints or brushing teeth. A consultation with the periodontist is in order at this point.

Ways to prevent gum disease

Many people suffer from gum disease. This dental condition is preventable. Working with an experienced dentist can help speed up the improvement of one’s dental health. Here are the different ways of preventing gum disease:

  • Eating healthy foods can improve one’s dental and general health. Staying away from sweet drinks and foods is ideal to prevent tooth decay. Bacteria love to feed on carbohydrate-rich foods. They release acids that damage gums and teeth. Checking the sugar content of the items can help regulate one’s sugar intake. Consuming more vitamin C-rich foods can also support gum health.
  • Practicing good oral care can prevent the onset of periodontitis. Brushing and flossing every day can help remove sticky plaque from the teeth. This prevents plaque from hardening and causing gum irritation. Professional dental cleaning twice a year can help keep the gums as healthy as possible.
  • Drinking more water can help defend the gums against plaque. This colorless and flavorless liquid can help the production of more saliva that neutralizes bacterial acids. Reducing one’s intake of sodas, coffee, or alcohol can prevent bacterial growth.

Knowing the warning signs can prompt early treatment of gum disease

Maintaining good oral care can help reduce or reverse these warning signs. It may take time for this to happen, but it is possible. A regular appointment with your periodontist can help improve your dental health. Early detection of the mentioned warning signs can give way to the early treatment of gum disease.

Are you considering getting treatment for gum disease in the Plano area? Get more information at https://www.texasipc.com.

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: Gum Disease in Plano, TX.

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